Cafe Culture: Coffee is plumper than tea?

Look how far we have come. Sadly, we have left the teapot out of the equation and look at the consequences.

I grew up in a small village and we had one cafe shop called The Coffee Pot., or something like that. It was situated in an antique arcade and to be honest, I cannot remember much about it. For being teeny weeny back then (good description eh) I was not drinking coffee. I do remember going there with an older brother and girlfriend for hot chocolate. They had tea.

Venturing out for coffee, tea or hot chocolate seemed a big deal. It was what we called a treat. In 2024, we all take going out for a cuppa for granted. It's part of our daily experience.

 As in The Tiger That Came To Tea by Judith Kerr, tigers do not arrive and eat all the food every day. Therefore going out for tea was an occasion and not something we budget for every week.

Mmm, this made me wonder.

Wonder about what Tiggy you may ask. Well, about many things to be honest. For example. Why I was not able to complete my Panini football sticker book on the Liverpool page. Also why on earth was  Kenneth Williams not reading a story on every edition of Jackanory? Some things make no sense.

But, back to this article, my rant. Have you ever wondered if we are plumper than thirty years ago? Can we lay the blame at the door of the high street cafes? Surely not. I am as much to blame as the next person for sneaking in for a cuppa. Although being a tea-drinking woman I  find the selection of tea available restricted compared to the wide varieties of coffee available.. I mean this in the most basic of terms. Having a taste for good straightforward Yorkshire Tea or Twining's does put you at a loss when confronted with a dodgy teabag!

No more wishy-washy tea, please!

So before I go on a bender about weak, wishy-washy tea.  I shall harness myself back down into the cafe chair and continue writing. 

That portly stomach

Well, we cannot blame the port, can we? Possibly you can.  If that is your go-to.

But in all seriousness, are we all just bigger. Having volunteered in charity shops for some time I would say yes. When we are donated a size ten or twelve from the nineteen seventies or the eighties they are always smaller on the waist and hips

What about walkies

Heading to a cafe after your walk is a sociable thing to do. The choices you make can have a huge effect on your waistline. Walking for an hour and a half is great, but filling up with milk, sugar, and cake is not perhaps. No one is holding you hostage in front of the counter, forcing chocolate tiffin down your throat. It is all a personal choice and choices have consequences....

The Appeal: Tea Or Coffee...

Is it just me or is there something more astringent, and refreshing about tea?

What feelings come to you when you think about a milky sweet cappuccino? Does it take you back to the evocative feeling of the warm suckling of your mother's breast perhaps?

How do you feel when you think about a cup of tea? The taste, the fluidity of it to comparatively the headiness and gloopy texture of thick milk

So what have we learned Tiggy?

Well, although we do not want to bring this up. It is that the decision to drink lots of milky coffee and consume lots of cake will make you plumper.


Surely if we are to be leaner we need to have a prod at our choices in life. 

Then go for more walks or even a jog more often.

Fit movement into our day instead of sitting all day long. There are some brilliant ten-minute HIT workouts on Youtube.

And finally...

Let us bring back that staple of the English day. Tea time, with its refreshing feeling.

Ah, but then we have biscuits...

Stephen Twining Interview

Image:  All writing: S. Lawrence. 21/10/2024 ©

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