Two Page Notebook Challenge: Today I challenged myself to write a short story over two pages of my small notebook
Terence had always liked to dress up.
He placed his mother's pearls over his head and around his roll neck. He added some more blusher to his cheeks. Adjusted his hair then pinned a diamante clip just in the right place to hold back a curl. Yes, he looked good. He felt complete. Mother's best skirt, pink blouse, and satin finish support tights. A coat of mascara on his blonde lashes would be too much. Mother would never have approved.
He took himself on a walk. It was good to be back in Inverness. The city was lit for Christmas. The lights in the main street took his breath away. He arrived at the club situated at the back of The Anchor pub and walked in. Michael was already there. Adrian looked cheap and Brenda, well he was competition. He studied their legs for hair, poking through.
Melanie, Adrian's wife was doing well after chemo. Daniel the oldest had come down with measles on his first week at university. Michael bored them all with solicitor babble. Terence felt superior in a way. He had spotted his reflection in the bar mirror. His bright blue eyes shone back at him. The diamante hair clip twinkled in the half-light. Sod them all, he thought to himself as he paid for a rum and Bacardi.
He arrived home from the trip on Thursday evening.
"Daddy's home!" cried his daughter Amy as he arrived. She looked adorable in her tutu and fluffy sweater. He had made a good purchase he thought, as Bounder their Irish deerhound arrived and placed his paws on Terence's chest.
His wife Carly arrived in the hall. " Hey, I missed you," she said as she hugged him. "Hope the seminar went well"
All writing: Sonya Lawrence ©
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