Two Page Notebook Challenge: Today I challenged myself to write a short story over two pages of my small notebook

Today I wanted to make the reader think. To give a glimpse into another life...

Frozen Alone

Clarice took her knitting from the bag. She leaned further back in her armchair and squeezed her bottom cheeks together. She had heard somewhere it was good for you. The wooden knitting needles moved through her hands at a steady speed. Her choice of sage green wool would make a fine hat for John.

Behind a stack of empty beer crates, she had found the other John in the shed. Somewhere in the index box of her mind, she remembered the good old days of making beer with her husband and the sweet flavour of the dark liquid. How different things had been then.

The house on the hill was secluded. No one visited anymore. John was a recluse. Now he had passed she would make more effort to be sociable. His introversion had led to his death. Clarice had told him they should get an aerial company in to mend the damn thing. He had landed on his head. It had killed him. Lying on the ground, lifeless.

Clarice carefully cast off the ribbing and the hat fell into her lap. It was perfect. She placed it on the straw-filled head in front of her. The scarecrow, now wearing John's old clothes and hat looked complete. It even looked like him. It felt good to be involved in a community project.

Clarice walked over to the chest freezer at the other end of the tired old kitchen and lifted the door with two hands. It was heavy.

Her husband is content, alone forever.

All writing S. Lawrence © 

