Winter : A Cardinal sings and the north wind feels proud.


   Photograph: Aaron Burden on Unsplash:

When the Northern Hemisphere is wrapped in winter's dark shadow, nature puts on a spectacular show for anyone willing to brave the cold.

The stillness of the frozen air heightens each of the senses, making the microscopic patterned array of snow crystals a fine stage for a Cardinal's sweet song.

A sparkling blanket of snow lights up the darker months of the year in England. We all complain, especially if we need to go somewhere, but that is where the appropriate clothes and boots come in handy.

Once the snow has fallen, stillness sets in. Sounds reverberate in the frozen air, like the clanking of pans in a tiled kitchen.

Our eyes wander across the landscape capturing every glistening detail of Jack Frost's handy work. His partner the north wind has blown intricately patterned snowflakes in from far away to be given that last snazzy twinkle before they settle. They are perfectly formed and drizzled over the land like a white whipped meringue revealing its brand new glistening curves.

The north wind is quite rightly proud of his handy work. He then starts a new journey to cover somewhere new far away with his frozen gift. Jack follows him, catching a ride on his very wide coattails.

All content apart from pictures. ©. Sonya Lawrence/Vukomanovic 28/11/2023.

Joshua J.Cotten on Unsplash

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