This Journey is the way to learn

Helping others is so rewarding

From the trauma left in you from a bumpy childhood to living with a narcissistic partner trauma can stifle your life purpose. I have made these films to help people and will be developing more.

Why have a YouTube channel Tiggy?

To help others.
In highsight hopefully, the insights I have gained will be of purpose to others.

Why films about Narcissistic Abuse?

It is very common. We see it all the time in middle management and above in the workplace. There is a wonderful book by Jon Ronson titled The Psychopath Test that is very enlightening. In the last thirty years, the faith of narcissism has become strong. I believe that some of us who have experienced it have a purpose and that is to bring this dark abuse into the light.

Other films cover moving on with your life and how to not take in criticism.

So, please find below my Channel. This Journey. It's not about me, it's about information and truth and helping others, and if one person is helped by my films then that is brilliant.

© All films and writing owned by S. Lawrence/Vukomanovic.
