The Sound of Silence: Simon and Garfunkel

Do songwriters have the gift of divine connection?

There is a lot to be said for silence. There is silence because there is no discourse, loneliness, or maybe space far away from the crowds.

In our dreams, we see images of many things. We see into the future and perhaps events that will come to pass. I personally believe in some cases that prophecy or channeling is real. I also strongly believe that some artists and musicians are part of a special order of people deeply connected, to maybe inform us of how things are going to turn out.

Over the years there have been many famous informers from above, from God, or Source and other mortal rested souls who wished to tell us all something.

Sixty years ago, Jane Roberts from Elmira, New York told us all about Seth. If you are interested, you can find films here on YouTube. Seth informed us that we could change our reality with our thoughts. That if you believe it, it will be, and you can create your own path forward. Being a bit late to the party, modern beliefs, and psychology are now beginning to catch up. But it was not just Jane Roberts that brought this to our attention.

There have been many others, such as the renowned late author Dr. Wayne Dyer who sold millions of books, who backed this message up, and of course the late Louise Hay. There are also notable authors, writers, and psychologists who back up what Seth channeled to Jane Roberts all those years ago.

And those of us who believe in this special gift would say many humans are touched by a very long supernatural connection from somewhere else.

Has The Sound of Silence always been a testament to where we are now in society?

Just as the Rush song, Subdivisions, is so. These songs, written many moons ago foretold of our modern society to come. Some of us believe that within the nothingness we feel in silence there is  more , and many physicists would probably agree that since the Large Hadron Collider came into use we really have gone past looking at matter and found another realm of existence.

Within the atmospheric sound of The Sound Of Silence, I love the imagery that sits in my minds eye and I always wondered if it was about a real dream. A premonition of a time now reached , when we would all be worshiping a neon light, entranced by screens, and our children bored to tears and convinced playing games that normalise killing is making them happy.

Or, maybe even bored enough to spray paint it out on the subway's walls.

After all, could the silence of boredom be the same silence that brings forth creativity ?


© Sonya Vukomanovic/Lawrence 10.09.2023. Permission must be sought to use this content.

@ Tiggy Sonya

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